



動詞 意思 例句
blow up 爆炸 The terrorists tried to blow up the railroad station.
bring up 提起 My mother brought up that little matter of my prison record again.
bring up 養育,扶養 It isn’t easy to bring up children nowadays.
call off 取消 They called off this afternoon’s meeting
do over 重複,重做 Do this homework over.
fill out 填好 Fill out this application form and mail it in.
fill up 填滿 She filled up the grocery cart with free food.
find out 發現 My sister found out that her husband had been planning a surprise party for her.
give away 贈送 The filling station was giving away free gas.
give back 歸還 My brother borrowed my car. I have a feeling he’s not about to give it back.
hand in 呈遞,繳交 The students handed in their papers and left the room.
hang up 懸掛;掛斷電話 She hung up the phone before she hung up her clothes.
hold up 使延遲 I hate to hold up the meeting, but I have to go to the bathroom.
hold up (2) 搶劫 Three masked gunmen held up the Security Bank this afternoon.
leave out 省略,遺漏 You left out the part about the police chase down Asylum Avenue.
look over 檢查,查看 The lawyers looked over the papers carefully before questioning the witness. (They looked them over carefully.)
look up 尋找 (某物),在 (字典中) 查明 You’ve misspelled this word again. You’d better look it up.
make up 虛構,捏造 She knew she was in trouble, so she made up a story about going to the movies with her friends.
make out 聽到,瞭解 He was so far away, we really couldn’t make out what he was saying.
pick out 挑選 There were three men in the line-up. She picked out the guy she thought had stolen her purse.
pick up 舉起,抬起 The crane picked up the entire house. (Watch them pick it up.)
point out 引起注意 As we drove through Paris, Francoise pointed out the major historical sites.
put away 儲蓄,儲存 We put away money for our retirement. She put away the cereal boxes.
put off 延期 We asked the boss to put off the meeting until tomorrow. (Please put it off for another day.)
put on 穿、戴 (衣物、帽子等) put on a sweater and a jacket. (I put them on quickly.)
put out 熄滅 The firefighters put out the house fire before it could spread. (They put it out quickly.)
read over 詳讀 read over the homework, but couldn’t make any sense of it.
set up 布置,開始 My wife set up the living room exactly the way she wanted it. She set it up.
take down 記下 These are your instructions. Write them down before you forget.
take off 脫去 (衣、帽) It was so hot that I had to take off my shirt.
talk over 討論 We have serious problems here. Let’s talk them over like adults.
throw away 丟棄,拋棄 That’s a lot of money! Don’t just throw it away.
try on 試穿,試戴 She tried on fifteen dresses before she found one she liked.
try out 嚴格地試驗 tried out four cars before I could find one that pleased me.
turn down 降低音量 Your radio is driving me crazy! Please turn it down.
turn down (2) 拒絕 He applied for a promotion twice this year, but he was turned down both times.
turn off 關掉 (電燈等) We turned off the lights before anyone could see us.


不可分開的片語動詞 (及物動詞)

動詞 意思 例句        
call on 叫 (學生) 背誦;要求做 The teacher called on students in the back row.
call on (2) 拜訪 The old minister continued to call on his sick parishioners.
get over (自生病或失望中) 復原,痊癒 I got over the flu, but I don’t know if I’ll ever get over my broken heart.
go over 複習 The students went over the material before the exam. They should have gone over it twice.
go through 用完,耗盡 They country went through most of its coal reserves in one year. Did he go through all his money already?
look after 照顧,照料 My mother promised to look after my dog while I was gone.
look into 調查 The police will look into the possibilities of embezzlement.
run across 偶遇 I ran across my old roommate at the college reunion.
run into 偶遇,遇見 Carlos ran into his English professor in the hallway.
take after 像,相似 My second son seems to take after his mother.
wait on 伺候,服務 It seemed strange to see my old boss wait on tables.



動詞 意思 例句
break down 損壞,故障 That old Jeep had a tendency to break down just when I needed it the most.
catch on 變得流行 Popular songs seem to catch on in California first and then spread eastward.
come back 回到 (某地) Father promised that we would never come back to this horrible place.
come in 進入 They tried to come in through the back door, but it was locked.
come to 恢復知覺 He was hit on the head very hard, but after several minutes, he started to come to again.
come over 訪問 The children promised to come over, but they never do.
drop by 未事先約定地造訪 We used to just drop by, but they were never home, so we stopped doing that.
eat out 在 (餐廳等) 用餐 When we visited Paris, we loved eating out in the sidewalk cafes.
get by 存活 Uncle Heine didn’t have much money, but he always seemed to get by without borrowing money from relatives.
get up 起床,起來 Grandmother tried to get up, but the couch was too low, and she couldn’t make it on her own.
go back 回到 (某地) It’s hard to imagine that we will ever go back to Kaohsiung.




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