英文面試必看! 二分鐘英文自我介紹的三大關鍵並付上完整範例


大家好,我是 Thomas。出社會的第一份工作就很幸運的在 Apple Inc. 拿到第一份工作的offer,到後來自己創業,在各種公開的場合下,我都需要對別人做英文自我介紹外,我也見識了各式各樣的自我介紹。今天,我想分享一些心得:如何做出卓越的英文自我介紹,並且避免一些常見的錯誤。






  1. ” Good morning.”/”Good afternoon.” (早安 ∕ 午安)
  2. “It’s nice to meet you.”
  3. “Pleasant to meet you.”/ “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”(皆為正式的用法


  1. 我是Thomas,我一直都很想在__領域工作,也相信我是理想的職缺人選)
    I am Thomas. I’ve always wanted to work in the __ field, and I think I’m a good fit for this job.
  2. 我是Thomas,我有充足的熱情想在__領域工作,也覺得這個領域有很多發展的潛力
    My name is Thomas. I have great passion to work in the __ field and I think it has a lot a lot of potential.
  3. 早上好,我是Thomas,非常感謝今天有這個機會來面試。
    Good morning, I’m Thomas, and I’m very grateful for the opportunity to interview today.

※註:”have always wanted to V.” 表示「一直想做某件事」


讓曾任交通部次長專任口譯、英文顧問的 Sandra 老師跟大家分享英文面試的關鍵三大技巧。




如果再給我一次機會,我會…….. if i had another chance, I will………

所以個人資訊,包含學歷、實習 ∕ 工作或社團經歷,而這些經歷一定要結合自身的能力並且最好可以具體提出佐證的數據或實績。而且別忘了,經營 LinkedIn 以及其它社群工具也很重要,大部份的人及招聘經理還是會去看可查詢到的公開資料,請參考下面連結完善你的所有個人背景準備。



  1. 我畢業於__大學,專攻__學科,期間積極參與了多項專案,培養了我在__領域的專業能力。
    I graduated from __ University, majoring in __. During my studies, I actively participated in several projects, which cultivated my expertise in the field of __.

  2. 在__公司,我曾擔任__職位,負責__,這段經歷讓我對__行業有深入的了解。
    At __ Company, I served as a __, responsible for __. This experience provided me with an in-depth understanding of the __ industry.

  3. 我對__領域充滿熱情,並在__實習中獲得了寶貴的實戰經驗。
    I am passionate about the field of __ and gained valuable practical experience during my internship at __.



  1. 寫下您的學歷,包括學校名稱、主修科目及任何重要的學術成就,然後試著用英文簡明表達。(關鍵:要有具體實證)
  2. 敘述您過去的一項重要工作經驗,包括職位、主要職責和個人成就。(關鍵:要有精確數字)
  3. 描述您的一項重要的實習經驗,如何對您未來的職業生涯產生影響。(關鍵:要有具體實證)




  1. 除了專業工作,我還非常熱愛戶外運動,尤其是登山和遠足,這有助於我保持清晰的頭腦和積極的生活態度。
    Besides my professional work, I have a great passion for outdoor activities, especially mountain climbing and hiking, which help to keep my mind clear and maintain a positive attitude towards life.

  2. 在空閒時間,我喜歡閱讀和攝影,這讓我可以從日常的忙碌中抽離出來,尋找靈感。
    In my free time, I enjoy reading and photography, which allow me to disconnect from the daily hustle and find inspiration.

  3. 我還是一位熱情的音樂愛好者,彈奏吉他已經有五年了,這是我最大的放鬆方式。
    I am also an enthusiastic music lover and have been playing the guitar for five years, which is my favorite way to relax.


  1. 選擇一項您的興趣或愛好,描述您是如何開始以及這項活動對您的生活有何影響。
  2. 設想在面試中,面試官詢問您的業餘愛好,您會如何回答以展示您的個性?
  3. 描述一次當您通過這項愛好學到了重要技能或經歷了有趣的事情。





※I am a _____ person,  (記得用社團、實習等實際經歷佐證)

  1. communicate:善於溝通的

  2. committed:認真、投入的
    (例:I am committed to myself and my works.)

  3. adaptable:有適應能力的
    (例:I am adaptable to any new challenge. )

  4. open-minded:思想變通的
    (例:I am open-minded to new ideas. )

  5. methodical:有條理的

  6. flexible:有彈性的

  7. determined:有決心的、堅定的

  8. goal-oriented:以目標為導向的


  1. 我是一個注重細節的人,在工作中總是力求完美。
    I’m a detail-oriented person who always strives for perfection in my work.

  2. 我具備很強的解決問題能力,面對挑戰時總能迅速找到有效解決方案。
    I possess strong problem-solving skills and can quickly find effective solutions when facing challenges.

  3. 我擅長團隊合作,相信通過良好的溝通能達成更好的工作成果。
    I excel in teamwork and believe that better work outcomes can be achieved through good communication.


  1. 描述您認為自己最突出的三項個性特質,並給出具體的生活或工作中的例子。
  2. 設想您在工作場合中如何展現這些特質,以利於團隊合作或項目成功。 
  3. 用一個故事或經歷來展示其中一項特質如何幫助您克服了一個挑戰。





” In the short-term ∕ long-term, I’d like to…”
(我的短 ∕ 長期目標是…)

” In the near future, I hope I could…”


  1. 我渴望在__領域深化專業知識,並為公司的策略發展作出貢獻。
    I am eager to deepen my expertise in the field of __, contributing to the company’s strategic development.
  2. 我的目標是加入一個充滿活力的團隊,並利用我的技能和經驗促進項目的成功。
    My goal is to join a dynamic team and contribute to the success of projects using my skills and experience.

  3. 我希望在未來五年內成為業界的專業領導者,並為公司帶來創新和增長。
    I aspire to become a professional leader in the industry within the next five years, bringing innovation and growth to the company.


  1. 描述您的職業目標,包括您希望在哪個領域或職位實現這一目標。
  2. 說明一個具體計劃,如何達到這個目標,包括短期和長期的策略。
  3. 舉例說明過去如何通過小步驟逐漸接近您的一個大目標。




  1. 描述一次您在壓力下如何有效地應對突發狀況的情境。
  2. 說明一次在工作中遇到困難時,您如何展現領導能力和團隊合作精神。
  3. 想像一個難題或挑戰性的問題出現在您的工作中,您會如何使用創造性思維來解決?。



Good morning. It’s nice to see you here. My name is Naomi. I have great passion to work in the Marketing field and I think it has a lot a lot of potential. I graduated from ABC University with a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Information System. I participated an internship at ABC company in Marketing department last summer and the experience has equipped me as being an all-rounded Marketer that is capable of creating value to your company.

Based on the research I’ve done, your company is looking for a skilled communicator and experienced marketer to grow your business and help your company stand out from the competition. At my previous company, I increased their activity by 24% by implementing targeted social media advertising. I have worked with leading brands which broaden my vision towards strategic and creative thinking. As the result, it would be appreciated if I have given the chance to showcase my talent here.

I intend to bring innovation and a positive spirit to your company, and your success will be my top priority.


I am an enthusiastic software engineer. I recently completed MBA from XYZ university after receiving my BCA degree from a bc university. I also did GNIIT to enhance my programming skills.

Apart from that, I attended training sessions on business communication and software architecture. I am glad that I invested my time in additional training and courses. I believe I have more tools in my box.

I’m a people person. I really enjoy meeting and working with different sets of people and am known for being a great listener and clear communicator. While working on live projects, I realized I am a team player.

I’ve always preferred to work in groups and find that my collaborative nature is one of my strongest attributes. I am a constant learner and I invest significant time in developing my skills.

I am truly passionate about software engineering and highly excited about the possibility of working with you.



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