


民以食為天,台灣的美食種類多,多到可以玩食物接龍,不好好介紹怎麼可以?除了小籠包(xiaolongbao),珍珠奶茶(bubble tea)這類新聞常報導的美食,其實台灣各地還有相當多的私房美食,也是大家可以多多宣傳的喔!

台灣人以米為主食,有很多以米飯為主的料理。例如滷肉飯 ( braised pork on rice ), braise 是燉煮的意思,直譯就是放在飯上的燉豬肉。有關食材有,豬五花肉 (pork belly)、紅蔥酥(fried shallots),還有醬油(soy sause)等等,當然也不能忘記滷肉飯好朋友,滷蛋(stewed soy sauce egg),題外話,我阿嬤說用鴨蛋滷出來的滷蛋比雞蛋更好吃喔。這裡的Stewed 跟braised 都是過去分詞來形容燉煮過的肉跟蛋。滷肉飯雖然好吃,但熱量跟鹽分可是爆表的多,大家要注意喔。

其實還有好多可以講,例如潤餅就是羅傑老家的家鄉味,用到很多食材,其中較特別的有豆芽菜(bean sprouts),香菜coriander。這兩個可是潤餅的最佳配角呢。


R: Let me introduce my hometown’s the most famous food to you. You can’t claim to have been here until you taste it.  

A: Really? What’s that?

R: It’s “steamed spring roll”. The best part is it contains a lot of vegetables so it quite healthy. It has bean sprouts, carrots, cabbages and one kind of spice called coriander。 The flavor is so special, and you will never forget after you have a bite of it.

A: Sounds Great! Is it expensive?

R: Not at all, and I know a place, their steamed spring roll is the best in town.

A: Fantastic! What are we waiting for? Let’s roll!

當然台灣的廟會遊行(temple parade) 也是非常特殊,大家可以用以下這段話英文口說介紹一下。

Taiwan is an island fills with all kinds of temple, and their services cover from womb to tomb. To worship their God or Goddess, they will hold temple parade regularly.


  • (to) introduce something to somebody 將某事介紹給某人
  • can’t claim to verb until 不能宣稱……直到…..
  • (to) have a bit of  吃
  • Not at all 一點也不
  • from womb to tomb 從搖籃到墳墓,由生到死

今天大家是不是學到一些如何介紹台灣的英文口說小常識?最後再跟大家說說最前面提到的蚵仔煎與豬血糕,分別是oyster omelet 以及 pig blood cake,是不是有恍然大悟的感覺?希望大家與外國朋友交流順利!下週的文章是很多人恐懼的英文面試,羅傑老師要帶大家突破難關!


