

 F即 Family, 家庭背景與故鄉,本人建議,家庭的部份簡單帶過,重點可以放在自己的家鄉,因為對方沒去過,可以介紹一下自己家鄉讓自己最難忘的部份,既可讓對方了解自己與自己的家鄉,如果您能講到對方想去旅遊,那就真的太棒了。以下是範例與解說。

Hi, My name is Roger. I live in a family of five, including my parents, my two siblings and I. I am from the Taoyuan city in Taiwan. I grew up and went to college in this city. What I love about my hometown is its diversity and convenient traffic. In this city, there are many foreigners walking on the street and you can find any kind of foreign food, including American food, Japanese food, even French cuisine. Also, Taoyuan has railroad, high speed railroad, international airport, and even MRT so the the traffic is really convenient! It only takes less than 1 hour to travel to Taipei or Hsin-Chu, or less than two hours to central Taiwan. Although it’s a modern city, some traditional parts are the features of this city. It’s the temple parade that makes this city more colorful. So if you want to visit a city in Taiwan with diversity and convenient traffic, you have to put Taoyuan on your list.  


  • I live in a family of five. 我家有五口人的意思,數字可以自己增減
  • sibling :手足
  • be from (地點) 我來自…
  • diversity : 多樣性
  • cuisine:料理
  • MRT : Mass Rapid Transit 捷運
  • temple parade :廟會遊行
  • put sth on your list 把xx 列在清單上,這裡的意思是把城市列為到訪地點。

O :Occupation

如果對方跟您是工作上的關係,建議可以把重點放在O , Occupation您的工作,例如您為何選擇這份工作,又從中學得什麼,或是工作上印象最深的故事。

I have been worked as a technical manual writer for six years. The most interesting thing about my job is I can play the latest products and write instruction for users. Also, using my English and writing skills to serve others is the thing I love.  There is only one thing I don’t like is sitting too long, which is not very good for health and feel like a plant. Beside that, I like this job very much because I can use my language and logical thinking abilities to do my job.


  • have been worked for (time) 已經工作多久時間,現在完成式。這比講I am a xxx要更有效率,因為同時提供工作性質與時間長短。
  • The most interesting thing : 最有趣的事
  • feel like 感覺像……



當然,R, recreation 嗜好,也是一個很好自我介紹的重點,或許對方與您有相同嗜好,如運動與音樂等等,這可以拉近距離,或者您有什麼特殊專長也可以當作自我介紹的特點,例如烹調與手工等等。這邊解釋一下hobby與interest 有什麼不同。 hobby是嗜好,個人會定時定點做的一些活動,而interest 是興趣,想到才做。譬如說,每週固定時間參加固定運動,如籃球,羽球等,甚至加入社團可以說是嗜好hobby,但是偶而為之就只能說是興趣interest。再舉一個例子,英語演講是我的嗜好,因為本人固定參加社團,但是看電影對我就是一種興趣,因為不是常常看。以下是英文範例,

 My hobby is  English public speaking, and I have joined the toastmaster club for more than ten years. I join the meeting every 1st and 3rd Friday night to sharpen my language and speaking skills. By joining the toastmaster club, I improved my English and communication skills and made a lot of friends. My interests are reading, gaming, and watching movie.


 M, message, 到最後一步,如果兩人相談甚歡,您想與對方留下連絡方式。可以怎麼說?以下用對話說明。

A: It was so nice to talk to you. You really know a lot about movies.

B: Me too! You are the expert of movie. I would like to discuss some interesting movies with you later. Can you friend me?

A: Of course, what’s your facebook (whatapp, line, etc…) ID?




在台灣每個人平均學英文超過 6 年,卻很少有機會練習英文口說表達。導致 8 成以上的台灣人好不容易遇到外國人時無法流暢用英文表達自己的想法。根據艾賓豪斯遺忘曲線研究指出我們發現,當不常使用一項新習得的知識時!是非常容易遺忘它的!


所以你需要找到實際可以練習的對象,就像你想游泳的時候需要『水』,足夠多的水讓你可以練習游泳。同等你需要『人』陪著你一起練習,並且要有足夠多的英語詞彙與表達能力陪著你練習。AmazingTalker 就因此而生了!

AmazingTalker 你可以跟世界各地的專業母語教師學習,透過線上視訊直接實戰練習口說。大幅度地增強你過去所學習英語的所有記憶,突破艾賓豪斯遺忘曲線讓自己完全記下所有學過的英文!

而且一位好的練習對象是非常重要的!當對方的英文表達能力或是專業有問題的時候,根本無從練習起。所以在 AmazingTalker 的每一位教師都是嚴格篩選把關,只有極低的錄取率可以上 AmazingTalker 平台教學!甚至必須把所有的履歷公開,包含學歷、證書、工作經驗、腔調的範例影片等等!讓你可以挑選一位專業沒有問題但是適合自己的教師!

最後你可以透過兩種方式在 AmazingTalker 快速選擇英文教師,第一種就是透過自己排序跟篩選找出自己最欣賞的教師學習,第二種是填寫自己的需求由我們的 AI 演算法為你選擇最適合的老師。



