【SLP Sample】JUPAS SLP 寫作攻略及實際樣本參考

考入心儀大學學科想必是絕大部分中六應屆DSE考生的目標,但除了勤加溫習預備試卷之外,還有一件事會影響考生入讀大學的機率,就是Student Learning Profile (SLP) 了。很多同學初次接觸SLP都會一頭霧水,不知道應該要從何處入手才好。下文將會介紹SLP對聯招收生(JUPAS)的作用,同時列出撰寫SLP的秘訣,格式和以往成功報讀大學科目的SLP樣本,希望同學之後寫SLP時,都能輕易掌握寫作方向,增加入大學的機會!



SLP 的全名是 Student Learning Profile 學生學習概覽,大約是概括學生在中學時的學業和課外活動表現,來突顯學生在近年校園和校外生活的成就和得著,同時透過學生對自身經歷的反思和未來運計劃,展現學生的目標和未來方向。

SLP之所以如此重要,因為不少大學學科都會以SLP作為其中一個收生的判斷標準。例如JS6119 港大教育學士和理學士收生時,明言會將有否撰寫SLP視為判斷收生的條件。因此,只要你有寫好一份清晰交代自己高中學習心得和理想的SLP,就能比其他考生有更高機會入讀心儀學科。另外,有部分學科會在DSE放榜時,率先揀選同學面試。而如果同學有完成SLP,的確是會提升面試成功的機會。只要同學能夠展示自己的學業能力,性格,個人特質和興趣,就能讓大學有更多方法判斷你是否適合入讀那個學科。

















SLP 必備格式


  • 學生資料:記錄學生個人資料,例如姓名,年齡,就讀學校等
  • 校內學科成績:學校的學業成續
  • 其他學習經歷:高中生活例如課外活動和其他學習經驗。注意要略述內容和參與角色
  • 校內頒發的主要獎項及成就:校內獲得的獎項或成就
  • 校外的表現 / 獎項:校外獲得的獎項或成就
  • 個人陳述 (Personal Statement)SLP的重點,同學可參考上面的寫作標準和下面的示範

SLP Sample

Due to my passion for helping out the elderly in the community, I have always considered Physiotherapy as my major. I enjoyed curing the patients very much. So far, with my experience, working along with the physiotherapist has met my aspiration because the Sports and Science Combined Program allows me to explore a fascinating, broader field, which further inspired my curiosity. The most awesome thing about the course is that I can exercise the practical skills I have learned in lessons when I have placement. Both theory-based lectures and clinical placement under supervision are included in such a marvelous program, which I truly appreciate.


Becoming a physiotherapy student will be a significant part of my life. It is the tutoring style and the university’s learning resources that provide all-around support to students who have a strong desire to acquire the skills and knowledge about the subject.The vegetated and refreshing campus also generates a quiet environment for undergraduates to immerse themselves in the harmony of nature whilst attending courses. Most students would wish to take the course as an undergraduate student at your university.


There are multiple working environments from which a physiotherapist can choose. Hospitals, clinics, community centers, charity organizations or special schools are the preferable places where typical physiotherapists carry out the practices of their profession. No matter which area they pick, physiotherapists can perform different functions on specific patients so as to achieve the mission.


Regarding my work experience, I did plenty of voluntary work for a local charity. My task was to become an assistant to one of the senior physiotherapists. We frequently need to educate primary school students by giving talks and advising them on how to exercise and move properly. When I became a “real model” for adopting certain postures when running or doing different kinds of relaxing exercises, I found the job to be very challenging due to the need to maintain effective communication skills to improve the understanding of students about what they should and should not do during exercise. Moreover, I have gained a variety of skills whilst getting along with the children. Patience is one of those things which is most required. As primary school students are generally more active and disobedient, they will often challenge you by asking all kinds of questions continuously.What you have to do is to assist the physiotherapist to show them the importance of keeping the correct posture throughout exercise. Only by doing so can they know that they need to do the same in order to be healthy.


In addition, team working skills are highly requested for giving complete treatment to patients. As different physiotherapists have different disciplines in which they each specialise in, cooperation plays a crucial role in treating the patients. Physiotherapists provide them with appropriate treatments until they are completely recovered.Since I was the chairperson of the chess club in secondary school, I could unite my committee members to do our jobs. We had an inter-school chess competition before, and I was honored to be the person in-charge. By working together with my teammates, I strived for the prizes by discussing our strategies for dealing with opponents. We integrated our ideas to resolve chess puzzles, predicting the opponent’s moves so that we could maximize our chance of winning the contest. Finally, we won the first runner-up for the team. This prepares me to become a potential physiotherapist in the future, because being a physiotherapist requires us to be cooperative by sharing our views on how to heal our patients in the most efficient way.


JUPAS SLP 和個人陳述並無固定格式,希望同學可以活學活用,在臨近的DSE中考獲好成續,成功進入心儀科目,翻開人生新一頁!


